MSB is released for this page as follows:
Release DateSubjectMSB No.
2018-10-17Correction of the procedure of troubleshooting about electric water heater for EV-ECUMSB-12EXML54-001A
2014-12-05Error in writing about the trouble shooting of P1A15 regarding the EV-ECU diagnostic procedureMSB-14EXML54-503A

Code No. P1A15: High-voltage system error (1)



The high-voltage circuit activation and shutdown are controlled by the EV-ECU. The EV-ECU also monitors the voltage of the smooth condenser in the EMCU via the CAN communication.




STEP 1. M.U.T.-III CAN bus diagnosis

Use the M.U.T.-III to diagnose the CAN bus lines.

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 3.
Repair the CAN bus line. (Refer to GROUP 54C - Troubleshooting .) Then go to Step 2.

STEP 2. Diagnosis code recheck after resetting CAN bus lines

Check again if the diagnosis code No. P1A15 is set to the EV-ECU.
(1)Erase the stored diagnosis code.
(2)Set the electric motor switch from the "LOCK" (OFF) position to the "ON" position.
(3)Set the electric motor switch to the "START" position, and start the electric motor unit.
(4)Check if the diagnosis code is set.

Q. Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 3.
This diagnosis is complete.

STEP 3. High-voltage fuse No.1 (Main,280A) (main battery assembly) check

Check the high-voltage fuse No.1 (Main, 280A). (Refer to .)

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 4.
Replace the high-voltage fuse No.1 (Main, 280A).

STEP 4. Connector check: G-18, G-19 main battery connector, G-05, G-06 inverter connector

danger When servicing the high voltage system parts, always shut off the high voltage by removing the service plug (refer to ).
danger Be sure to wear the specified protective equipment when removing the service plug.

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 5.
Replace the wiring harness.

STEP 5. Check the wiring harness between G-05, G-06 inverter connector terminal and G-18, G-19 main battery connector terminal.

danger When servicing the high voltage system parts, always shut off the high voltage by removing the service plug (refer to ).
danger Be sure to wear the specified protective equipment when removing the service plug.
Check the high-voltage line for open circuit.

Q. Is the check result normal?

Go to Step 6.
Replace the wiring harness.

STEP 6. Diagnosis code recheck

Check again if the diagnosis code is set to the EV-ECU.
(1)Erase the stored diagnosis code.
(2)Set the electric motor switch from the "LOCK" (OFF) position to the "ON" position.
(3)Set the electric motor switch to the "START" position, and start the electric motor unit.
(4)Check if the diagnosis code is set.

Q. Is the diagnosis code set?

Go to Step 7.
Intermittent malfunction (Refer to GROUP 00 - How to Use Troubleshooting/Inspection Service Points - How to Cope with Intermittent Malfunction .)

STEP 7. M.U.T.-III freeze frame (FFD) data

Check the freeze frame data.
Freeze frame data
  • Item No. 15 : EMCU: Condenser voltage
OK: 220 V or more

Q. Is the check result normal?

Replace the inverter. (Refer to .) Then go to Step 8.
Replace the main battery assembly. (Refer to .) Then go to Step 8.

STEP 8. Diagnosis code recheck

Check again if the diagnosis code is set to the EV-ECU.
(1)Erase the stored diagnosis code.
(2)Set the electric motor switch from the "LOCK" (OFF) position to the "ON" position.
(3)Set the electric motor switch to the "START" position, and start the electric motor unit.
(4)Check if the diagnosis code is set.

Q. Is the diagnosis code set?

Return to Step 1.
The diagnosis is complete.
